Hi, my name is Chris Williams.
I'm a Web Developer.

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My name is Chris Williams and I'm a web developer based in California. I have experience in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I also work with frameworks and libraries like React, Angular and Bootstrap.

I love working in team settings, finding solutions to problems and have an intense passion for learning new things. When I'm not coding, I love to adventure outdoors, work out and spend quality time with my family.

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CMS Dashboard

This application is a content management system using Laravel, PHP and MySQL. The concept allows the user to create, update and delete content from the backend dashboard. Once the user inputs the specified information, it will then be displayed onto a frontend framework. To view the dashboad, use these credentials:

Username: tommy

Password: tommy123

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Crown Clothing

Crown Clothing is an e-commerce application written in React. The concept of this application is to fetch product data from a Google firebase to present to the user. Once the user selects products of their choosing, they can use the "checkout" screen to find out the total cost of their purchase. Users can also sign up and make an account or sign in to their existing one.

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Smart Brain

Smart Brain is an application written in React with a backend API written in NodeJS, Express and Postgres. The primary objective is to take an image URL and detect the location of the face using a facial recognition API. The user can also create a profile that will keep a count of how many image searches they have made within their profile.

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Ravenous Food

Ravenous is a food search application written in React. This application will allow a user to search for restaurants through a Yelp API. Once the data is fetched, the user can see a variety of different restaurants within the selected location, as well as the overall rating of those businesses.

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